Tuesday, November 10, 2009


ethereal, sophisticated, elegant, on and on...

Jetty Kolobaric hails from the Netherlands and has an amazing eye for mood provoking images

natural lines - gerbena



the old window


“I’m walking with seasons
I sense their fragrances
I embrace their colors
And when their winds blow
I capture its breath
And keep it close to me

But one day I let go
And start painting
Colors, tones and textures
And I feel comfort
When seasons return
Before my very eyes”
© JK2009

1 comment:

Kathy De Wit said...

Dear Kat,
you can participate in my Giveaway on my blog.
Choose your favorite drawing and leave a comment on my blog!
That's all and may'be soon you have a drawing of me if you are one of the two winners!